Being a lover of complexity, I love writing novels, plays, and poetry. Literature is the best way to express complexity in writing, even as storytelling is itself a simplification of reality. Or is it? A literary text gains in complexity the more minds encounter it and discuss it. There are more words written about the most famous poems than any of those poems themselves have in them. That's an expression of their complexity.
I also write a great deal about complexity itself as an idea, particularly in the form of spontaneous orders, or self-organizing network processes. I apply it to writing about economics, culture, and society. You will find these writings in Conscious Paradoxicalism and Complexity Liberalism especially. Everything I write is done through this perspective.
I have written a great deal of poetry, which I'm moving from my poetry blog at troycamplinpoetry.blogspot.com to Medium (Thyme and Time Again), and I have written a novel, Hear the Screams of the Butterfly, and a work of philosophy titled Diaphysics. I consider myself to be a metamodernist, which means I attempt to synthesize the entire past with the present to help create the future.