Aristotle points out that for rhetoric to work, it has to demonstrate ethos, pathos, and logos. You have the pathos, but the use of a false image, your misrepresentation of Nietzsche’s world view as fascist (Nietzsche hated nationalism and socialism and racism, making his quite anti-fascist, in fact), and your ignorance about the fact that Cleopatra wasn’t Egyptian, but was in fact a Macedonian, being a Ptolemy (the Macedonian family that ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great), shows a lack of ethos on your part. That is, we cannot trust you, since you use false images, misunderstand people’s world views, and and get basic facts wrong. You even fail to mention that the Hebrew God was distinctly the God of the Hebrews only, up until after the Resurrection of Jesus universalized it into Christianity. Worse, some of these elements are the foundation of your argument, so your logos is questionable as well.
You also take an extreme minority position and blow it up into being big enough to cause America’s collapse. I do agree that a collapse is coming, and that unfortunately racism is a portion of it, but there are many more things at play here, and the racism unfortunately on the rise is a response to those many other things. So, too, is the anti-Semitism rising on the left.
You could have made some of the same points without making all of these errors, which only act to undermine your entire piece. If the reader cannot trust you because the reader immediately starts to see factual errors, your entire argument fails, even if it’s valid.