I don’t buy into grand conspiracy theories for the same reason I reject socialism — central planning doesn’t work. At the same time, it’s clear that people do in fact plan to get and keep power. And if you want to call creating a treaty a conspiracy, then you would be a naive fool to not believe that people did get together to decide how the political structures were made. And you would be a naive fool to think that people don’t do things to gain and keep power. Because that’s what all people in governments throughout all time have always ever done. They have never done anything out of the goodness of their hearts, but out of greet and selfishness and hunger for power. Now I am sure that you will argue that while my description certainly fits the people you oppose, the members of your tribe are in fact public-spirited and altruistic and only ever want to do what’s best for everyone. I’m telling you that that is simply not true. Everything they do is for their own selfish gain, to benefit themselves and their friends, and to gain power to lord it over everyone else. That’s the fundamental nature of government, the foundation of government — and the only reason any of them pretend to be good is because they are afraid of being run out on a rail. They provide just enough public goods to keep people pacified. Of course, the best policies are those that simultaneously pacify the masses while granting even more control to themselves.